"Casting all your cares upon Him, for He cares for you."
1 Peter 5:7
If you need help with family needs or domestic abuse please contact
Pastor Keith Bowman II.
If you are in immediate danger please call 911.
Ooltewah Young Families
Ooltewah Young Families is a group for families with children in Cradle Roll, Kindergarten, and Primary classes. Parents meet weekly for Sabbath School in the space next to the Cradle Roll room to read and discuss a chapter of the Bible.
Families meet monthly for a Sabbath walk/hike and have other fun get togethers throughout the year.
Check the calendar for upcoming events.

Additional Resources
The following resources are for informational purposes only, and are not meant to be a substitute
for professional counseling or advice. CAUTION - if you are in a domestic abuse relationship, DO NOT
access information on domestic abuse resources using your personal technology.
Cyber Safety​
Common Sense Media
Great information for parents. Movie reviews from a Christian point of view.
Excellent site with lots of helpful information. User should be aware that this site is based in Ireland so telephone numbers and other similar helpline resources are not available for American residents.
A fantastic website! Site contains most popular social media apps including pictures of these apps. Click on the “resources” tab.
Smart Social
“Guide of Popular Apps for Parents/Teachers”; includes apps in green, gray or red zones, and a lot of great information!
Internet Matters
Great information on how to set privacy controls; offers specific advice on many popular apps; includes age specific advice.
On Guard Online
FTC’s main consumer page to educate everyone on staying safe and secure online.
Domestic Abuse/Child Abuse​
CAUTION - If you are in a domestic abuse relationship, DO NOT access information on domestic abuse resources using your personal technology**.
Family Justice Center
Phone: 423-643-7600
Services: wide range of services, free/confidential
Partnership's Crisis Resource Center
Chattanooga – 24 hr hotline: 423-755-2700​
TN Department of Children’s Services
Child abuse hotline
Phone: 877-237-0004
National Domestic Abuse Hotline
Phone: 800-799-7233
Aging Care
Excellent site with lots of information and resources.
Senior Directory
Elder Care
TN Adult Protective Services
TN Adult Protective Services (to report elder abuse)
Phone: 888-277-8366
What's Your Grief
Crisis Hotline - Chattanooga
Phone: 423-266-8228
Hours: 7:00 a..m. -11:00 pm
First Call for Help
First Call for Help​ (United Way - Chattanooga)
Phone: 423-265-8000 or dial 211
24-hour Helpline: 866-921-3035
National Suicide Prevention Lifeline
Phone: 800-273-8255
Partnership for Families, Children and Adults
(wide range of services)
Phone: 423-755-2822
24-hour Hotline: 423-755-2700
Tennessee Statewide Crisis Hotline
24 hour hotline
Phone: 855-274-7471
Mental Health​
National Alliance on Mental Illness – Tennessee
National Institute for Mental Health
Great source for information on mental health issues.
NAD Men's Ministry
Information on sexual addictions as well as information on how to help loved ones and friends going through these addictions.
NAD Family Ministry
Excellent site to access many helpful resources for the family. Also had directory of Seventh-day Adventist counselors and a link to search for Christian counselors.
Substance Abuse & Other Addictions​
Tennessee Association Alcohol, Drug & Other Addictions Hotline (TAADAS)
Phone: 800-889-9789
Parents' Corner​
Empowering Parents
Hand in Hand Parenting
Focus of the Family
License to Parent
Support Groups​
Alzheimer’s Association Support Groups, SE TN Chapter
Phone: 423-265-3600
24-hour Helpline: 800-272-3600
Family Caregivers Support Group
caregiver.org (to join an online caregiver support group)
Additional Resources​
The Samaritan Center
Phone: 423-266-8228
Linda Kulik, Family Resources Coordinator