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Begins 10:15 AM
Sanctuary Class
Leader: Bill Fisher
Meeting in the main sanctuary of the church, this class enjoys a full hour of interaction in their study of the Sabbath School Lesson Quarterly.
Fellowship Class
Leader: Larry Otto
This class meets in the Fellowship Hall and enjoys singing, praying, and studying the Sabbath School Quarterly with periodic updates on current world, prophetic, and last day events.
Open Circle
Leader: Jackie Rose
This class is found in the Pastor’s office. A smaller, intimate class, members enjoy verse-by-verse Bible study and study of the Sabbath School Lesson Quarterly.
We Believe
Leader: Edwin Reynolds
Meeting in the Mother's room, this class is designed especially for new believers and those who want to have a deeper understanding of and appreciation for Adventist beliefs and lifestyle practices. The Bible is the basis for their study of Adventist doctrines, prophecy, end-time events, principles for Christian living, and finding answers for questions raised. Some history contributes to a better understanding of God’s plan for His church.
Discipleship Class
Leader: Mike Harrell
Learning to be disciples of Christ and preparing to be mentors for Christ, this class prays and studies the Lesson Quarterly together. This class can be found in the 7th grade room in the Enrichment Wing of the School ~ to the right off the main school hallway.
In-depth Study
Leader: Steve Shelton
Interacting in open forum discussions this class is for those who desire to study end-time events using the Lesson Quarterly and EGW Notes as the basis for study. The aim is to tie in current world news and events that relate to the soon return of Jesus. Meeting in the School Office, members also sing and pray for the outpouring of the Holy Spirit ~ first door to the right on the main hallway.
Men's Class
Leader: Matt Geraghty
These men long to be better husbands, fathers, and priests of their homes. Following in the footsteps of Jesus, they are always on the lookout for service projects. On Sabbath mornings they unite together in the study of biblical topics that will strengthen and improve their lives. This class is located in the 6 th grade room in the Enrichment Wing of the School ~ to the right off the main school hallway.
Women's Class
Leaders: Jen Dempsey & Rhonda Hicks
A class for women of all walks of life who desire a greater understanding of God's presence in their lives. They study scripture and bible-based books that will enhance and enrich their lives. Their class meets in the 8th grade room of the School ~ last door to the right on the main hallway.
Ooltewah Young Families
Leaders: Aaron Hall, David Nelson and Pastor Keith Bowman
Ooltewah Young Families is a group for families with children in Cradle Roll, Kindergarten, and Primary classes. Parents meet weekly to read and discuss a chapter of the Bible. There is no preparation needed, just bring your Bible. This class can be found in the space next to the Cradle Roll room at the base of the stairwell.
Young Adults Class
Leaders: Shelly Parrish and Greg Leavitt
These post-high school adults, who are either in the workplace or attending college, meet together to study God's word and uplift each other. They can be found in the 7th grade room of the School ~ first door to the left on the main hallway.
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